It was a horrible shock that I did not react well to. The last thing I have been thinking about recently is Mummy's personal belongings. It has been a case of feeling our way through a hazy miasma we have had no choice but to navigate, requiring all hands to be very much on deck. There has been little time for anything else. So, to discover that someone had, in a moment of madness, decided to put a variety of small items on eBay without first running it either my sister or I, hit me hard. Very hard. My rational mind was confounded. I could not comprehend how such a mistake could have been made. Whilst we try and manage every last detail of my mother's ongoing care, this really was the straw that broken the proverbial camel's back. And this particular breed of camel is pretty tough. My reaction might not have made much sense to the man on the Clapham omnibus but, even n...
...a selection of meanderings along the way. For more information about my practice, please visit: