It has been a strange few weeks. This week, I was struck by the contrasts I have experienced of late. Autumn presents a choice for this swimmer. To swim outdoors, or to retreat indoors? I have preferred to swim indoors recently. And it's not, I think, because of the relatively cooler temperatures. It is the sense of safety that the indoor pool offers me. The known. The familiar. The lane ropes are comforting rather than confining. I can choose my course and stick to it without difficulty. Right now, great satisfaction is mine in the pool. The water warm. Sometimes a little too warm. The lengths add up, and I swim for several kilometres. I explore the line between effort and ease, and quickly find my way into the latter. Elsewhere, I have found myself entering alien environments. I have visited the hospital ward on which my mother has lain with hideous trepidation. ...
...a selection of meanderings along the way. For more information about my practice, please visit: