"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth... not going all the way, and not starting." Buddha
As she left the room she announced that if she still felt OK about things next week, she'd probably make it our last session together. Given that we've met only three times to date this is short term work in the extreme but not, I suspect, unconnected to the fact that this afternoon we touched the edge of something of significance. Something that has perhaps remained buried or hidden; unacknowledged and unexamined, in the shadows, which maybe feels too threatening to regard with curiosity just now. Such a premature conclusion is not uncommon, and maybe represents not an ending so much, as the denial of a beginning. Reluctance or refusal to leave the starting blocks is often for good reason - therapy is challenging. It is not for me to coerce or cajole anyone at any time, which is not to say it's not frustrating to see the potential for growth lying dormant. Plato suggested that the beginning was the most important part of the work - this is certainly true in my experience.
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