One could be forgiven for wondering what month we are in. It is still August (just) but the weather has been decidedly unstable of late, and I have had several unplanned swims (whilst on two wheels) this week. This afternoon provided some welcome respite, although time spent on the tennis court was by no means guaranteed. Better still, I swam outdoors today - it was somewhat bracing, but terrifically exhilarating. Whilst still in a swimming pool, I believe I can identify what it is that open water swimmers get off on. Swimming anywhere you are able to see the sky is a truly magnificent experience. I haven't swum al fresco for a while, and this afternoon was a wonderful reminder of the many happy hours I have spent in swimming pools on holidays in warmer climes. Indoor pools will always occupy a special place in my heart (provided they be a minimum of 25m) but there is nothing quite like the liberation to be felt whilst recreating in a lido. The weather and temperature may s...
...a selection of meanderings along the way. For more information about my practice, please visit: