Benign characters are those very special individuals we meet along our way who make sure we get to where we think we’re headed, or point out to us that a different way might in fact be better. They are the people who ensure that the reward really is the journey. be.nign [bih-nahyn] adjective 1. having a kindly disposition; gracious: a benign king. 2. showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness: a benign smile. 3. favourable; propitious: a series of benign omens and configurations in the heavens. 4. (of weather) salubrious; healthful; pleasant or beneficial. 5. Pathology : not malignant; self-limiting. I have been fortunate and feel blessed having come into contact with a great many wise travellers who at critical times have held me, guided me, and supported me in my journey. Some of them have helped me when I’ve encountered cross roads, and dead ends along the way. A great many of them have been more i...
...a selection of meanderings along the way. For more information about my practice, please visit: