Travelling by train on the East Coast mainline recently provided a wonderful and unanticipated trip down memory lane and an opportunity to reflect on recent years as I used to travel between London and Peterborough at the beginning and end of school terms, and between Kings Cross and Durham as an undergraduate. I have, I now realise, spent a lot of time on trains one way or another. "This is England", I thought to myself as the train sped through vast, uninterrupted green space. Agriculture and pasture land in every direction, as far as the eye could see. Bliss. From the flat environment of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire, to the rolling hills of South Yorkshire. As I pondered the scenery (and procrastinated opening my laptop and the work I'd brought along with me), I was reminded of something I heard recently at a meeting, where someone was talking about their spiritual journey in recovery. Recovery, it is often said, is an inside job....
...a selection of meanderings along the way. For more information about my practice, please visit: