Wednesday 4 January 2012

Twelve Steps spoken here

It's a privilege to be a member of a truly international club.  My clubhouse requires no membership card, and I'm not asked to prove my income in order to join.  Yet it confers some of the most sought after benefits I know of.  The warmest of welcomes is guaranteed on arrival, and I am certain to be surrounded by genuinely like minded individuals.  There are no fees or dues, and lifelong membership is encouraged.   

Wherever I am, I need never feel alone for I walk amongst fellow travellers who have chosen the same path and they're easy to find.  I'm never far from a meeting at which I'm always welcome.  Whilst our clubs may look a little different on the outside, membership is entirely reciprocal and regardless of time zone, I'm likely to find conventions that cross borders.  Ours is a common currency of human experience, communicated through transcontinental identification.


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