Tuesday 20 March 2012

Springtime Swimming

An empty lane awaited me.  Bliss.  Just what I needed after a day during which little felt to have gone smoothly, or easily, or straightforward-ly.  I could have just returned home, with a bitter taste in my mouth, complaints and resentments aplenty and licked my wounds.  I could have easily found a sympathetic ear to bend awhile, to harp on about the disappointments and frustrations and set about putting the world to rights. 

Instead, I head to a pool I've not visited before.  In fact, I had two to choose between - one indoor, one outdoor.  Having admired the clouds this morning, I decided to pursue the cooler option and am so very glad I did.  Refreshment indeed.  I had only a brief swim (by my standards) but delighted in it.  50 lengths at a moderate pace reintroduced what had been lacking in to my day - spaciousness and perspective.  I was faced with a choice: whether to focus on the bottom of the pool where I could see the odd leaf, and a couple of chipped tiles, or broaden my awareness to encompass the wider experience. 

As I got into a rhythm, I reconnected with my sensory experience, and (through necessity as I tend to swim with my head submerged) with my breath.  Immediately, and paradoxically, I felt grounded.  Moving through the water, I allowed my day to drift out of me, and away from me and embraced the bigger picture and the many things I have in my life today for which I can feel grateful, if I only remember to call them to mind. 

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