I like to think of myself as reasonably perceptive. Someone who notices their surroundings. He caught me by surprise. Standing there, surveying the view in amongst the fridge-freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers. Proud in his familiar surroundings. Only they didn't seem to be the right ones. The dog in the window brought a smile to my face as I reflected on how comfortable he seemed in what many might not classify as his natural environment.
Like a fish out of water, I s'pose...
It struck me that many of us occupy surroundings that perhaps don't immediately make sense. We confuse those who encounter us. We take them by surprise. We challenge their assumptions. The dog reminded me that it matters very little what others think, if we ourselves are comfortable in our own skin, going about our business. Life has a funny habit of taking us to places we might not have previously envisaged for ourselves, but we go. Later explanation to bystanders as to how we got where we find ourselves to be seems to be quite another matter.
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