Mink, we agreed. As opposed to mouse. I've never possessed many mousey qualities. I don't like them much, either.
Carol is, to my mind, something of a genius. She is my hairdresser. But she is so much more besides. Having highlighted my hair on and off for the last ten years, it has felt both strange and brilliant to get to know my own hair colour.
And I've even had compliments. They concern me less than the sense of authenticity and alignment that accompanied the decision (and the haircut). This is part of me. Plain and simple, yet far from straightforward.
I believe it to be the journey of a lifetime, to become the person you truly are. Joseph Campbell said it was the privilege of a lifetime. Ralph Waldo Emerson described it as the greatest accomplishment, to be oneself in a world that is constantly trying to make one into something else.
I am a work in progress. That much I know. But today I feel truly comfortable in my own skin. That's partly down to Carol. And too many others, to name here. I have found my tribe and have little need to follow any crowd.
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