Just, exactly, what the would-be doctor would have ordered and what I should have self-prescribed some time ago.
Self-care still takes practice. Earlier in the year, I had it down 'to a tee'. I was taking time out before I needed to, and making the most of my wonderful masseur's fingers (and thumbs).
Somehow, in the midst of everything else, that seems to have become both heavier and even more fast paced, I let a few essential ingredients slip through my fingers, and 'into the ether'.
Having my head and face gently yet expertly massaged was a great heads-up for self-care. It's back on my agenda (and already features in my gorgeous new 2014 diary), in a big way for I know I ignore it at my peril. I'm far better at it than I was once, but when things are tough, I need to turn-it-up...
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