The real privilege of any working week is to find 'flow'. Flow does not, I think, lend itself to easy description; rather, it has a quality that you can feel, and I am delighted to say that I experience this most pleasant feeling at fairly regular intervals. A facet of the flow I seek to describe is that sense that you are just exactly where you are meant to be...
On retraining to become a therapist, I'm not sure I was able to imagine what it might feel like to practise as one. I had, of course, spent a fair bit of time 'in the other chair' (the chair closest to the tissues) but this was to be just the beginning of this wondrous journey.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending
~ Maria Robinson
In so much of my work I feel connected to my purpose. I have the luxury of doing work I love. My work and the way I work are much more than my job. Should I come to regard my work simply as a job I do, or a role I perform, it will be time for me to reconsider what it is that I am doing.
I am not has what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become
~ Carl Gustav Jung
A great many of us are wounded healers. I have come to love my scars. They are, today, an important reference point. They are now something of which I may feel deservedly proud. They tell a story, and today that story has meaning.
I am so much more than my story, and I believe wholeheartedly that every other being I meet along the way is more than theirs, too.
Therein lies the healing, no?
Making sense of our stories and finding ways to relate to them and not from them is, I feel, the privilege of a lifetime. It remains a very great honour to walk alongside fellow storytellers and meet their courageous heart selves.
The wound is the place
where the Light enters you
~ Rumi
Someone who bears the scars of injury
may be the best qualified
to speak into the
lives of those currently afflicted
~ Unknown
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