I did not hesitate to heartily and heart-fully congratulated a parent who had contacted me to discuss support they might offer their primary school aged child who 'wants to be different' when they told me that they had sought to explain in no uncertain terms that their love is unconditional.
In the midst of their angst about what they might do for the best in the situation which they felt was becoming increasingly urgent, my reassurance seemed not only highly appropriate but hugely valuable.
My hope is that we are slowly, but hopefully steadily, moving away from a gender binary that demands conformity amongst children who wish to explore their gender identity and expression.
I work with adults and young people. I have colleagues who work with children. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be able to refer potential clients to colleagues who, like me, practice in and around London. At present, I am sadly less well placed to signpost more widely. I am reliant on my own limited networking and will not point families towards those whose practice I am not certain is welcoming to and sufficiently supportive of individuals, couples and families who might identify as Gender and Sexuality Diversity clients. I look forward to working within an ever expanding network of appropriately trained professionals dedicated to supporting young people and their families.
Recommended resources for young trans* people and their families:
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